+1-250-419-7628 [email protected]
The Proulx Global Education and Community Foundation

Body Image Shapes Lives

Art Therapy Transforms Lives

Globally, eight out of 10 girls admit to opting out of important everyday activities, such as engaging with friends or loved ones, because of concern about their looks.

“Self-acceptance is the foundation on which we build our lives.” -Cheryl-Ann Webster.

How can you embrace your body fully? Here are 3 free downloadable arts-based techniques to begin exploring your relationship with your body. Build your self-esteem with these creative, playful, practical colouring books!

Cheryl-Ann Webster, Creator of the Beautiful Women Project, Therapeutic Arts Practitioner and Managing Director of the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy, specializes in body image and self- esteem for girls, teens and women. The award-winning Beautiful Woman Project proudly supports the work of the Proulx Foundation.

References: cherylannwebster.com 2018. The Dove Global Beauty and Confidence Report. Commissioned by Dove, 2016

If you’re concerned about disordered eating for yourself, your child or a friend, please visit this resource: National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) or call 1.866.633.4220

How can I get involved?


Your organization can join forces with us to improve opportunity in an under-served community.  Contact us to discover all the ways you can support our initiatives.  We are always in need volunteers, art supplies, and services in-kind.

Speak up

Get in touch with us to raise awareness about the desperate need for youth-centred, innovative mental health and wellness programs in communities across Canada.


Your donation will help support Proulx Foundation programs that use evidence-based mental health and arts-based techniques to heal from historical trauma and the challenges children, youth and families face today.

“Your donation provides training for a community leader to learn the techniques and skills needed to support youth.”

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